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Documentation for Warping Controller


This class wraps the WarpTransform subclasses by making them an object of this class. The distortion levels are mapped to a given range of strengths for each warp to allow a common interface across all warping transformations.


Name Type Description Default
warp_transform WarpTransform

The particular warping class that we want a controller over. Example: Fisheye, Swirl.

max_distortion_level int

The maximum distortion level possible for this warping controller. Should be >= 0. When max_distortion_level is not passed with a range, the strength range is hard-coded and the max_distortion_level is used to determine how many samples to get from this range.

strength_range A tuple of floats or a tuple of ints

The minimum/identity warping strength and the maximum warping strength for a transformation. We uniformly sample max_distortion_level+1 levels from this range.



>>> SwirlController = WarpController(Swirl, 5, (0, 1))
>>> swirl_transformer = SwirlController(1, radius=1)

The args following distortion_level need to be keyword arguments.


__call__(distortion_level=0, **kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
distortion_level int

The distortion effect from 0 to max_distortion_level. 0 for identify function, max_distortion_level for max distortion as defined in the mapping function.



Type Description

The initialized object of WarpTransform with the given distortion level and keyword arguments.